Our Worship Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to worship. Our Lutheran worship is:
God Serves us with His gracious gifts and we then offer our service to our Lord and Savior in thanksgiving and praise for His undeserved goodness and mercy. This receiving and giving is the design or pattern of our “Divine Service”—a holy time, set apart to be in the presence of the holy, almighty, ever-living God. We are forgiven, given new life and respond with grateful hearts, praising our Lord and serving others by sharing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Lutheran worship is dignified, reverent and sacred reflecting what the church believes, teaches and confesses. We draw from our rich heritage and use several different liturgies or formats of the Divine Service to enhance our worship. In our worship, in the hymns we sing, the creeds we share, the psalms we pray, we join the entire company of heaven; the saints on earth and the saints in heaven in praising our Lord Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit reigns as one God, world without end. Amen! Our Worship at this time:
Schedule/Service Outlines
Sunday Worship will take place IN-PERSON and ON-LINE at 9:00 AM using precautions as described in our COVID-19 Responses. |
St. Paul Lutheran Church
275 Nation Dr Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-5378 stpaul[email protected] Pastor: Rev. Dr. David Poganski Sunday Worship Schedule
*Sundays 9:00 AM IN-PERSON & ONLINE Christian Education on ZOOM *Youth Class 10:15 *Adult Bible Study 10:15 |