Dear St. Paul Members and Friends,
It is with great joy we are announcing that our indoor church service will resume on Sunday, November 1st at 9:00 a.m. The length of the service is expected to remain at about 45 minutes, similar what it was outside. The format, however, will not allow for congregational singing at this time and communion will be distributed in the same manner as we have been doing outside. (i.e. using individual disposable communion cups.)
Great care has been taken to apply all the latest recommendations from the CDC, the State of California, Placer County, and Synod. Special considerations include the demographics of our members and the physical layout of our campus (70% of our members and friends are age 65 plus). Physical distancing (6 ft), face coverings and frequent hand sanitation and/or gloves need to be the norm of all members from arrival until departure. Wearing face coverings/masks and social distancing is a gift of love we can give to our fellow members who otherwise might be immunocompromised because of age and/or other medical conditions. We will mandate that face coverings MUST be over the nose and mouth now that we are inside. The goals of the following procedures are to provide a “non-touch” experience for our worship except your seating, a bulletin and reception of the Lord’s Supper.
PATIO (During Indoor Services)
SANCTUARY (Effective November 1, 2020)
As we look forward to worshipping together, it is important for each of you to prayerfully consider some of the following questions:
These are tough questions and we trust that you seek the Lord’s guidance as you decide when to join us in worship or remain at home and view service remotely.
May God continue to bless this church, as we gather in His name.
Dear St. Paul Members and Friends,
It is with great joy we are announcing that our indoor church service will resume on Sunday, November 1st at 9:00 a.m. The length of the service is expected to remain at about 45 minutes, similar what it was outside. The format, however, will not allow for congregational singing at this time and communion will be distributed in the same manner as we have been doing outside. (i.e. using individual disposable communion cups.)
Great care has been taken to apply all the latest recommendations from the CDC, the State of California, Placer County, and Synod. Special considerations include the demographics of our members and the physical layout of our campus (70% of our members and friends are age 65 plus). Physical distancing (6 ft), face coverings and frequent hand sanitation and/or gloves need to be the norm of all members from arrival until departure. Wearing face coverings/masks and social distancing is a gift of love we can give to our fellow members who otherwise might be immunocompromised because of age and/or other medical conditions. We will mandate that face coverings MUST be over the nose and mouth now that we are inside. The goals of the following procedures are to provide a “non-touch” experience for our worship except your seating, a bulletin and reception of the Lord’s Supper.
- Please wear face masks/coverings from arrival until departure
- The sidewalks and areas below the patio steps will become the new socializing area observing the 6 ft. distancing and masks.
PATIO (During Indoor Services)
- Outdoor seating, by the fountain, will be available for those who are uncomfortable sitting inside and for those whose age and medical condition might render them immunocompromised
- Chairs will be available or you may bring you own
- Please dress appropriately
- Existing patio speakers will be in use
- Masks, hand sanitizer and/or gloves will be available at the stairs
- A clearly marked 6 ft. separation line will be used to keep outside seating and the narthex from becoming overcrowded
- Because of the small space and high traffic, we can no longer use this area for socializing and maintain social distancing
- A greeter/usher will facilitate and monitor entry into and through to the sanctuary, bathrooms, and the prayer request podium
- There will be a monitor/usher at the church office if you need to drop off something. Newsletters can be picked up from the table at the back of the sanctuary. There will be no admittance to the church office.
- Cry room seating will only be made available if we need overflow seating.
- If possible, please email or phone in prayer requests ahead of time. Disposable pencils and pads will be supplied at podium
- Access will be monitored by the greeter/usher to prevent crowding and help maintain 6 ft rule
- Please minimize restroom use by taking care of those needs at home
- Restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized before service. If you need to use, please keep your mask on, and only touch necessary surfaces
- Wash hands BEFORE, as well as AFTER use, and toss paper towels in
waste basket or in the narthex trash basket - Hand sanitizer will be available as well
SANCTUARY (Effective November 1, 2020)
- Ushers will direct you to a pew starting with the pews closet to the front of the
sanctuary. Please be flexible in that you may not be able to sit in the location
you usually did previously. We need to adhere to this seating protocol so that we are eliminating as much cross contamination as possible by maintaining 6ft
distancing. - Alternate rows on alternate sides of the pews will seat 2-4 people of the same household
- No seating in front pew
- Lectern side doors will be open (weather permitting) and some seating can be accommodated on the deck, if needed, observing the 6 ft distancing
- The fellowship hall will be available for distanced seating
- Initially, worship will begin at 9:00 a.m. All doors and windows will be open, and fans will facilitate inside/outside air exchange.
- The air conditioner will be used in fan only mode (no cooling) so dress accordingly
- Bulletins will be on a table at the back of the sanctuary
- The offering plate will be available at the back of the sanctuary as you enter.
No plate will be passed during the service - Temporarily, we will not be having congregational singing until deemed safe. Soloist, small choir, and pre-recorded singing will be used safely
- The Lord’s Supper will be distributed in the same manner as when we were outside. Individual communion cups will be distributed while members stay in their seats. Pastor and the Elder will be masked during the distribution. No common cup will be offered at this time.
- No coffee fellowship or Bible study until deemed safe
- Patio seating will exit first, followed by the back rows of the sanctuary
and progressing to those sitting in the front portion of the sanctuary - Exit of the fellowship room can be through back door or the narthex as distancing allows
- Socializing can be done below patio steps, maintaining the 6 ft rule and masks – please no socializing on the upper patio
As we look forward to worshipping together, it is important for each of you to prayerfully consider some of the following questions:
- Am I 65 years or older?
- Do I have any medical or pre-existing conditions?
- Do I have a fever (100 degrees or above)?
- Have I been sick recently (last 14 days)?
- Have I possibly been in a social situation in the last 14 days that may have exposed me to the coronavirus?
- What level of risk am I willing to expose myself and my family to?
- Am I making a good decision to protect the health and safety of our congregation?
- Online options will continue to be available each week to view the service, bible class and Sunday school for those who still wish to stay home.
These are tough questions and we trust that you seek the Lord’s guidance as you decide when to join us in worship or remain at home and view service remotely.
May God continue to bless this church, as we gather in His name.
Congregational Update
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Today’s update is being held in lieu of what should have been our 3rd quarter
Voter’s Meeting. The Worship Committee met last week to address moving
into the sanctuary as the weather turns cooler. These are the key update points –
Congregational Update
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Today’s update is being held in lieu of what should have been our 3rd quarter
Voter’s Meeting. The Worship Committee met last week to address moving
into the sanctuary as the weather turns cooler. These are the key update points –
- Indoor services will begin Sunday, November 1st still at 9am. This Sunday will also be the end of Daylight Savings Time.
- The protocols around indoor worship have been reviewed and some guidelines have been modified from the original letter that was sent to everyone back in June. A revised protocol guideline will be sent to
everyone via email, or U.S. mail for those who don’t have access to a computer, in the next week or so. Please re-read them when they arrive.
- Masks will still be required covering nose and mouth.
There will be NO coffee hour or refreshments. - We will continue live streaming our service each week on our website and through Facebook for those who still wish to stay home.
- The structure of the service will continue similar to what we have been doing outside, except there will be ‘NO’ congregational singing allowed at this time. We will be working with Fred to integrate soloists and duets to enhance the music around the hymns.
- There will be NO mid-week Advent services or soup suppers.
- There probably won’t be Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve services.
There WILL be a Christmas Day service.
- Any additional changes to our service protocols will be determined by the guidelines our state and local governments will mandate.
The "wait" is almost over. Lord willing, will be back with an OUTDOOR Communion Service on Sunday, July 5, at 9 a.m. This service will be held in the upper parking lot among the trees and in their shade. Attendants/Ushers will be available to direct traffic and worshippers. If possible, you are asked to bring your own lawn chair and water although chairs will be available. Masks, and hand sanitizer will also be available. Please read entire letter from Pastor Poganski and the RE-OPENING GUIDELINES here.
Beginning in March, St. Paul Congregation took special steps to support the health of our church family and friends. Read about the steps that were taken as well the document: "Supporting the Health of St. Paul Lutheran Family and Friends".
Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
St. Paul Lutheran Church
275 Nation Dr Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-5378 stpaul[email protected] Pastor: Rev. Dr. David Poganski Sunday Worship Schedule
*Sundays 9:00 AM IN-PERSON & ONLINE Christian Education on ZOOM *Youth Class 10:15 *Adult Bible Study 10:15 |